Jordan Peterson: Open The Damn Country Back Up, Before Canadians Wreck Something We Can’t Fix

Jordan Peterson: Open The Damn Country Back Up, Before Canadians Wreck Something We Can’t Fix

Enough, Canadians. Enough, Canadian politicos. Enough masks. Enough social gathering limitations. Enough restaurant closures. Enough undermining of social trust. Make the bloody vaccines available to those who want them. Quit using force to ensure compliance on the part of those who don’t. Some of the latter might be crazy but, by and large, they are no crazier than the rest of us.

Set a date. Open the damn country back up, before we wreck something we can’t fix.

Time for some courage.

Let’s live again…

Patrick King: No Proof SARS‑CoV‑2 Virus Exists

Patrick King: No Proof SARS‑CoV‑2 Virus Exists

Canadian oil and gas worker Patrick King describes how he forced Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, to admit, in court, that Alberta’s health department does not have proof that the SARS-CoV-2 virus exists, which has been the basis of panicky, draconian COVID-19 responses around the world: testing, social distancing, lockdowns, mask wearing, vaccinations, and passports. The groundbreaking legal precedent that King describes has led to the collapse of the COVID-19 narrative in Alberta and could do the same in other provinces, states, and countries.