by David Sunfellow | Mar 25, 2025
“I would never deny the significance of the ongoing economic issues, potential for World War 3, loss of freedom due to governments and the World Economic Forum pulling their Agenda 2030 nonsense, but folks, despite the evidence being right in our faces, the media is completely ignoring what is happening to the Earth. The magnetic pole shift and geomagnetic excursion are progressing and in the coming years we are going to lose all modern technology and the foundations of modern civilization. It doesn’t get much worse than this, especially since other real global issues seem to be overshadowing it completely in the public forum.” — Ben Davidson, SpaceWeatherNews, @SunWeatherMan on X
by David Sunfellow | Mar 20, 2025
The best of the best holistic health and healing resources I am aware of…
by David Sunfellow | Jun 6, 2024
An excerpt from Ken Smith’s book “The Way of the Hermit: My Incredible 40 Years Living in the Wilderness” that offers helpful advice, based on real-world experience, concerning what to do if you encounter an apex predator, especially a grizzly bear, in the wild…
by David Sunfellow | May 20, 2024
Over time, we as humans have developed a different attitude towards nature and we’ve forgotten about our inner power. This is the ability of our body to adapt to extreme temperature and survive within our natural environment. Because we wear clothes and artificially control the temperatures at home and at work, we’ve greatly reduced the natural stimulation of our bodies, atrophying the age-old mechanisms related to our survival and basic function. Because these deeper physiological layers are no longer triggered, our bodies are no longer in touch with this inner power. The inner power is a powerful force that can be reawakened by stimulating these physiological processes through the Wim Hof Method.
The Wim Hof Method is built on three pillars, which are breathing, cold therapy and commitment. Combined, these three pillars form a powerful method that is capable of changing your life. The Wim Hof Method is even known to relieve symptoms of several diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, asthma, sarcoidosis, vasculitis, and several autoimmune diseases.
by David Sunfellow | Dec 18, 2023
Uncensored news and information concerning all aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic…
by David Sunfellow | Sep 7, 2023
A page full of resources on the history, power and usage of Vitamin D.