International Covid Summit III – European Parliament, Brussels – May 2023

International Covid Summit III – European Parliament, Brussels – May 2023

The INTERNATIONAL COVID SUMMIT was created for doctors, lawyers and professionals from all over the world to unite and discuss their experiences with COVID-19. This is an uncensored and safe haven where they are able to gather, share, discuss and analyze their findings in order to find safe and effective treatments for Covid-19 and all of the complications that surrounds it. These medical professionals sacrifice everything and work tirelessly to help put an end to this pandemic. The sharing of the data and research from around the world is instrumental in finding effective treatments for Covid-19 and it is pivotal in getting us all back together safely again.

Dr. Robert Malone Resource Page

Dr. Robert Malone Resource Page

“We have multiple examples where the CDC appears to be editing data in the support of the noble lie . . . the core thesis is — and as I said, it is in the Federal Registry — any information that would cause vaccine hesitancy must be suppressed. Thats what’s going on. Let’s be clear about that. They believe it is OK to do so because it is in the best interest of the public. This is classic noble lie logic. It is also happening in Israel.”

“This is a different time. People right or wrong, believe that they deserve to have access to all of these data, make their own choices, exercise their own free will, not be forced into decisions by the government about risks that they don’t fully understand. And the government believes that it is still OK to treat us in this paternalistic manner like they did back in the 50s . . . That’s no longer OK in the modern age.”

— Dr. Robert Malone

Emily Oster’s “Let’s Declare A Pandemic Amnesty” Inspires Intense Backlash

Emily Oster’s “Let’s Declare A Pandemic Amnesty” Inspires Intense Backlash

An essay by economist and pro-mandate, pro-mask-wearing, pro-vaccine advocate Emily Oster that appeared in The Atlantic has ignited a firestorm of indignant and irate responses from people who have been deeply affected by ill-conceived COVID-19 policies (invasive testing, masking, social distancing, lockdowns, mandates, hospital deaths via deadly protocols, suppressed and ignored vaccine deaths and injuries, families prevented from attending funerals and visiting loved ones in hospitals and nursing homes, business closures, school closures, church closures, travel restrictions, domestic violence, family breakups, suicides, economic disasters, supply chain delays and breakdowns, and the astonishing suppression of free speech which has been aggressively promoted — and enforced — by a globally coordinated alliance of Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Tech, and Big Media.

What, exactly, did Emily, say? And what kind of responses did her essay generate? A small sample follows…