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Australian Pushback
• Victorian Government Loses Bid To Keep Coronavirus Briefings Secret (Rebekah Cavanagh, Carly Douglas, Herald Sun – 03/20/25)
Covid briefing documents used to justify sending Victorians into the world’s longest lockdown will finally be made public, after the state government lost its bid to keep them secret.
Dr. William Bay: Australia’s Medical Boards Are Responsible For Thousands Of COVID Vax Deaths & Injuries
Queensland Supreme Court Rules Australia’s Anti-Vaccine Doctors & Nurses Are Now Free To Speak!
MUST WATCH: What Australia’s 7News Edited Out Of Their Volatile COVID Vaccine Injury Show!
Australia Begins To Wake Up: 7News Airs COVID Program With Truth Bombs, Gaslighting & Angry Audience
Australian Covid Tyrants Dan Andrews & Mark McGowan Given Awards For Their Bad Behavior
Former Deputy Chief Medical Officer Of Australia Admits He Stopped Taking Covid Vaccines 2 Years Ago
Judge Slams Aussie Police For Using ‘Unlawful Violence’ Against COVID Protesters (7 News Australia)
Sky News Australia: If You Were One Of The Millions Of People Who Got Vaccinated, You Might Be Pissed Off!
Six Australian Doctors Suspended For Defending Their Patients & Profession During COVID-19
Michael Gray Griffith: The Truth Is Coming Out Like A Cleansing Tsunami!
Message To Elon Musk: Please, I Urge You, Fight It Out! There Is Something Severely Wrong In Australia!
Finally! Australian Senate Acknowledges Excess Deaths & Need For Further Inquiry
While PM Avoids The Issue, Australian Citizen Documents Harms Caused By Government During COVID-19
Class Action Alert: Dr. Melissa McCann’s COVID Vaccine Lawsuit Revelation
No More Silence Class Action Lawsuit Website • No More Silence Class Action Lawsuit Fundraiser
Australian Government Admits COVID Vaccine Injuries But Restricts Compensation & Won’t Investigate
Australian Health Officials Grilled About Persecuting Doctors Who Tell Truth About COVID Vaccines
UFC Fighter Calls Out Australia For Arresting Pregnant Woman Because Of Facebook Post
Inquiry Into Australia’s Handling Of Covid Pandemic To Be Announced Soon!
Australian Senate Committee Grills Pfizer, Moderna & Gov Health Officials (Full, Unedited Meeting)
Australian Covid Inquiry 2.0 By Senator Malcolm Roberts (10 Hours, 25 Speakers, August 17, 2022)
Transcript & Individual Presentations Are Available Here
First Time In History: YouTube Bans Australian Politician’s Maiden Speech To Parliament
Australian Senator Alex Antic Announces “Liberty Audit”
Liberty Audit Website • Liberty Audit PDF
News Reports:
• Victorian Lawmakers Can’t Vote On Legislation Against Covid Measures Without Showing A Vaccine Passport (Reclaim The Net – 10/28/21)
• Australian Police Fire Rubber Bullets To Clear Demonstration At Melbourne’s War Memorial As Third Day Of Rallies By Anti-Vaxxers Turns Violent (Daily Mail – 09/22/21)
Battleground Melbourne (The Full, Unedited Documentary)
Australian Billionaire Clive Palmer’s Rousing “Let Freedom Reign” Speech In Sydney, Australia
Senator Ralph Babet: The Australian People Were Duped Into Believing In mRNA Injections!
Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts: The World Health Organization’s Dictator-Style Power Grab
Novak Djokovic, Still Unvaccinated, Returns To Australia And Receives Hero’s Welcome!
Former President Of AMA Suffers “Devastating” Injuries From Covid Vaccine, Calls For Investigations
Australian Senator Gerard Rennick: The Greens Laugh At Jab Injuries & Shut Down Jab Mandates Debate
Aussie Senator Alex Antic: The Greatest Scandal In Medical History & None Of You Said A Single Thing
Brave Australian Doctors SPEAK OUT To Reclaim Medicine From Politics
Freedom Fighter Doctor William Bay Declared “A Serious Threat To Australia!”
Mayor Claire Boan Describes The Serious Side Effects She Experienced From Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine
Produced by Cafe Locked out
Australian Nurse Speaks Out: Vaccine Carnage In The ER
Produced by Cafe Locked out
Australia’s Monica Smit: How To Stay Sane During This Insanity
Australia’s Monica Smit Could Go Back To Prison
To learn more about Monica’s situation, go here.
Administering Vaccines ‘Opportunistically’ While Patients Undergo Sedation For Unrelated Procedures
Craig Kelly, the leader of the United Australia Party, responds to advice issued by the Australian Government Department of Health regarding vaccinating sedated people: “Vaccines may also be administered opportunistically while patients are undergoing sedation for unrelated procedures.”
Australian Senator Gerard Rennick Grills TGA Official About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety
Senator Malcolm Roberts Drops COVID-19 BOMBSHELLS In Australian Senate
“This unprecedented betrayal of the Australian people must be referred immediately to a Royal Commission. To the Prime Minister, the Health Minister, the Federal Health Department, and all those in the Senate and the House of Representatives — all of you who have perpetuated this crime — I direct one question: How the hell do you expect to get away with it?! We’re not gonna let you get away with it! We won’t let you get away with it. We are coming for you. We have the stamina to hound you down and we damn well will.”
— Senator Malcolm Roberts
Australia Has Not Been Given Accurate Information About Covid Vaccine Deaths & Injuries
Inside Australia’s Howard Springs Covid Internment Camp
Australian Police Barge Into Catholic Mass To Check For Mask Compliance
A Huge Crowd In Canberra, Australia Is Now Making Its Way To Parliament House
Three Rebel News Reports From Canberra, The Capital Of Australia
Australian Health Authorities To Doctors: Do Not Interfere With Vaccine Rollout Or Else!
Revealed: The Locations of Australia’s Quarantine Camps
Professor Mattias Desmet – Mass Hysteria In Australia (Lockdowns)
Who Is Professor Mattias Desmet?
The Freedom Movement Is Now Impossible To Ignore
Australia – Original Sovereign Tribal Federation – International Call For Assistance
Northern Territory Chief Minister: If You Are Anti-Mandate, You Are Anti-Vax
Australian Nurse Describes What Is REALLY Happening In Australia!
Australian Police Visit Homes With Print Outs Of Facebook Anti-Lockdown Posts!
Polish MPs: Australia Has Contracted Covid Madness!
RebelNews Reporting From Western Sydney, Australia
Sky News: “Something Very Rotten” In Victoria
The Melbourne Construction Protest – 09/21/21 – RebelNews
“We Can All Kiss Our Freedom Goodbye If We Don’t Stand Up…”
“Are we in Nazi Germany or the former Soviet Union? Or North Korea? Where are we? Let me remind you. We are in Australia! How many men and women died under our flag? They died fighting for our freedoms. That we may never, ever come to this point. Well here we are . . . They’ve come for the adults. They’ve come for the workers. They’ve come for the teenagers. And now we hear they are coming for the kids as young as five. If that doesn’t concern you and disturb you, I don’t know what will.
“My fellow Australians, we are in a predicament here. We are at a turning point. We can all kiss our freedoms goodbye if we don’t stand up, speak up, and do something. We are responsible. No one is going to come and save us. There are things that you can do, but you have to face and your name in the ring. You have to put yourself out there in the battle. You have to stop hiding behind fake social media accounts or names. You have to stop worrying about offending people and losing friends. Because you are going to lose a lot more than your friends. If you think that life is going to go back to normal by complying your way out of this, you’ve got another thing coming. We are in deep trouble and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. All it takes — all it takes — is a small percentage of a nation to wake up, to stand up, to start speaking up, to start fighting for your rights, for your God-given freedoms. That’s all it takes and this whole thing will come crashing down. So my fellow Australians, it is up to you!”
“If You Don’t Get This Jab, We Will Come In And Force You…”
Craig Kelly (Excerpt) – “Shame On The Lot Of You… History Will Condemn You For Eternity!”
“The freedoms and the birth rights of Australians have been stolen mostly by unelected bureaucrats and cowardly politicians that are violating human rights and are violating the principles of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.
“Let’s be absolutely clear about this. The New South Wales [leadership], with New South Wales Parliament suspended, are engaging in conduct which is a violation and abuse of human rights. The coercion and the bullying of Australians to undergo any type of medical intervention is a violation of human rights and a violation of the principles of Australia’s international human rights obligations.
“Domestic passports are a violation of human rights. And yet we stand here in this Parliament today with medical apartheid being enforced across the nation. Submit or you’ll never get your freedoms back. You’ll be excluded from society, denied the freedom to travel, denied access to our beaches, denied access to our national parks. This should outrage every single one of us! Also, you’ll be prevented from opening your business. We will deny you the freedom to earn a living. You will lose your job. You will lose your family home. Unless you submit to taking a medical intervention.
“This is something that we have fought against. This is something against the Anzac Spirit. What is wrong with you people?! And this from a party in New South Wales that on their website boasts . . . that they believe in the unalienable rights and freedoms of all people. What a fraud! This statement is a fraud upon the elected of Australia, a betrayal of liberal party values, and a betrayal of everything it means to be an Australian . . . Shame on the lot of you. Because when you use threats of inflicting disadvantage, or inflicting predjudice upon Australians because they don’t submit to your demands for medical intervention, you are engaging in abuses of human rights. And history will condemn you for eternity; condemn you as violators of human rights. And shame on every member of this house that cowardly hides underneath their desk, that refuses to speak up to defend the freedoms and liberties of Australians.”
Sydney Mother Indecently Assaulted By NSW Riot Police Speaks Out!
“My name is Natalia. I am a mother of two children from South Western Sydney. I have never been in trouble with the police, I have no criminal record.
“I am a 3 year nursing student, but after being indecently assaulted by the NSW Police I am resigning in protest.
“In the video you are about to see I was simply walking in the park when male Riot Police tackled me to the ground, demanded I produce my documents and lifted up my skirt exposing my underwear and private parts. I sustained injuries and bruising to my legs and parts of my body. I feel violated and traumatized.
“I have been studying to become a nurse for the last three years of my life and in protest to the government’s campaign of fear and tyranny I resign In protest. I know that thousands of other Australian doctors and nurses feel the same way as I do.
“To the men of Australia, “Where are you? The women need your help and protection!”
“Police are out of control bashing the elderly and indecently assaulting mothers and health professionals.”
Sky News Australia Commentator: The Danger Of Creating Two Classes Of People
Qantas Pilot Graham Hood: “Time To Wake Up Australia!”
“Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are immoral, unpatriotic, and they are not on. Instead of calling all these people at the rallies ‘anti-vaxxers’, see them for who they are: they’re ‘freedom fighters.’ They’re fighting for your rights that you’ve given away. So stop labeling them and get out there and join them. I stand with the truckies and anybody else who is standing against this draconian nation that we’ve become!”
Former Qantas Pilot Graham Hood: “We’ve Got To Take Our Country Back!”
Australian Father Arrested For Trashing Playground Closed Sign
Monica Smit’s Parents Discuss Her Arrest & Imprisonment
Monica Smit is the founder of Reignite Democracy Australia, a grassroots movement created in response to the Victorian government’s catastrophic handling of the COVID pandemic. On Tuesday 31st August, Monica Was arrested while driving her car and detained on charges of alleged incitement.
Since the arrest, Monia appeared before the magistrate and was offered bail. Monica declined to sign the bail order as the conditions would deny not only her but every single Australian the right to express their god-given democratic rights.
Monica’s solicitor stated that the bail conditions were some of the most onerous conditions he had ever seen and that some may have even been unconstitutional in their effect… The first consequence would be an immediate dismantling of Reignite Democracy Australia, which would then impact every other similar website! Mani Shishineh of Legalbit Lawyers, declared that “signing that bail order would have effectively put an end to democracy in Australia!”
Monica Smit, Founder Of Reignite Democracy Australia, Arrested For Incitement
Dave Oneegs: “They Don’t Care Yet. They’re Not In Enough Pain.”
“Nothing is going to change in this country until the immense pain and suffering that is on the horizon hits the masses. When the ordinary parents realize what they signed their children up for, when the the police officers who have had their third and fourth and fifth booster realize what the hell is going on, when the nurses who have been forced to [take the jab] realize what they’ve taken, when the parents see little Johnny injured and they realize what they’ve done, when the media actually wake up and hang their heads in shame at the destruction they have caused in this country, that’s when people are going to wake up. For the average Aussie who’s got beer in the fridge, and running water, and the air conditioner on, and the fucking remote control in their hand, they don’t care yet. They’re not in enough pain.”
“We Are At The Tipping Point. This Is Your Moment!”
Queensland Senator Malcom Roberts – On Freedom
As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I speak tonight on freedom. On many occasions in the last year I have addressed the Senate in regard to freedom as a counterbalance to medical tyranny. And I recently addressed the Canberra Freedom Rally, remotely. The side that is locking people up for the crime of being healthy, arresting protesters, pepper spraying kids, beating up grannies, banning books and electronic messages, censoring social media, sending threatening letters, forcing small businesses to close, urging people to dob in dissenters and banning safe drugs that have worked for 60 years are all on the wrong side of history.
In a frightening development, New South Wales has called in the troops to keep innocent, healthy citizens locked in their homes in what can only be called martial law. Recent freedom marches showed what happens to citizens who exercise their democratic right to protest. People are demonised, hunted down; the media vilifies them to discourage others from questioning the control state. If the government can decide who is free and who is not, then that is not freedom and no-one is free. A crisis will always be found to justify measures designed to protect the government, not the public—a crisis that is as is easy to create as turning up the PCR test from 24 cycles to 42, where a false positive is the most likely outcome, as has occurred.
Actions such as these have created a crisis of confidence in government, and that, fellow citizens, is on the Senate. We are the house of review. We’re tasked with a duty to ensure honesty, transparency and accountability in the government of the day. We have failed in that solemn duty, our duty to our constituents. We have failed those who are yet to vote, our children, who are now being injected with a substance that has not undergone meaningful safety testing. The Liberal, National and Labor parties have colluded to waive these measures through this place, reducing the Senate to the status of a dystopian echo chamber.
Each new restriction, although met with rightful public opposition, has not led to a re-evaluation but, rather, has led the government to crack down even further. The Morrison government is behaving like a gambling addict who loses a hand but doubles down instead of admitting error and walking away. With troops now on the streets, it’s frightening to contemplate where this will end. Everyday Australians are being deliberately demoralised to extract a higher degree of compliance. When COVID first arrived, there were few masks, and the experts and authorities told us masks were not necessary. Now, those same medically ineffective masks are used to condition people to fear and obedience. Crushing resistance crushes hope, and without hope we have no future.
Is it any wonder that small businesses are closing permanently? Every small business that closes is a family that was being provided for through hard work and enterprise. Who will look after those families now—the government? With whose money? The Reserve Bank, using electronic journal entries, can only create fiat money out of thin air for so long before it runs down our country. The government can only sell bonds until buyers stop coming forward. Then what happens? We will have no tax base left to pay government stipends to people who were once able to pay their own way.
Since when has the Liberal Party, the supposedly party of Menzies, been dedicated to making huge sections of the population totally reliant on the government for survival? The bad joke here is that the excuse used to justify the sudden rush to Marxism—public health—is moot. Death from all sources, including coronavirus and the flu, are at historic lows. Australia’s death rate in 2020 was less than in 2019, and 2021’s death rate is lower again. We’re strangling Australia’s economic life and future for no reason. Power has gone to the heads of our elected leaders and unelected bureaucrats, who are exercising powers yet do not feel the consequences themselves.
Never in history has Lord Acton’s famous quote rung more true: ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ It’s been calculated that the civil disobedience tipping point—which is the maximum capacity of the police to arrest people, of the jails to hold people and of the courts to process people—is in Australia around 100,000 people. Anything more than that and the system comes crashing down. Attendance at the freedom rallies last month shows we’re almost there.
No wonder the Morrison government has been scared into resorting to the refuge of tyrants—using the military to intimidate civilians into compliance and to mandating injections and threatening to rip away people’s livelihoods.
Everyday Australians are seeing through the smokescreens of fear and intimidation. People now see that the costs of the restrictions to family and community exceed the medical cost of the virus. Everyday Australians have spoken. We will not be divided, we are united, we are one community, we are one nation.
George Christensen – “Lockdowns Don’t Work. End This Madness!”
Dr. Peter McCullough Rewrites Scary Australian Government Commercial
“I can tell you COVID patients that are young don’t have these symptoms . . . They breathe through it with a mild cold; a young woman like that would breathe through this with a mild nasal congestion for a few days and be over it.
“But what can happen in young people is when they take the vaccine, particularly women ages 18-48 . . . they can develop life-threatening blood clots — and a life-threatening blood clot can cause someone to look just like what you saw in that video.”
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