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COVID-19 Tests


“Anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR test, if you run it long enough . . . with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody . . . it doesn’t tell you that you’re sick.”

— American biochemist and Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, PhD, inventor of the PCR test


Thousands Of Americans Potentially Exposed To Toxic Covid And Pregnancy Tests Made At Chinese-Run Biolab In California (Cassidy Morrison, Daily Mail, 08/02/23)
How Scientific Fraud Took The World Hostage (Dr. Simon – 09/24/22)

In January 2021, I wrote two Twitter threads on the peer-review procedure of Christian Drosten’s scientific publication about the Covid PCR test that formed the basis for the current political agenda. As an Editor of a Scientific Journal, I will give you some more insights into scientific peer-review processes and why fraudulent manipulation concerning Drosten’s PCR paper most likely took place in the Journal of publication “Eurosurveillance”.

Poison Control Centers Warn About Toxic Chemical in At-Home COVID-19 Test Kits (The Epoch Times – 02/27/22)
‘Shambolic’ Covid PCR Testing Rules Meant One In Three Who Isolated Were Never Contagious (The Telegraph – 02/05/22)
CDC Virus Tests Were Contaminated And Poorly Designed, Agency Says (New York Times – 12/16/21)


Eurosurveillance Review: SARS-CoV-2 PCR Test Is USELESS!


How Reliable Is The PCR Test?


Absolute Child Abuse: Baby Being Tested For COVID-19


PCR Test Class 1 Recall: FDA Says Innova PCR Tests Are Dangerous & Inaccurate


• A Strategy For Defeating The Covid Narrative (Jon Rappoport – 09/03/21)
• ‘Place Them In The Trash’: FDA Warns Against Using Innova’s Rapid Covid-19 Antigen Tests (Fierce Biotech – 06/11/21)

The FDA issued a stark warning to the public urging them to stop using rapid COVID-19 antigen tests developed by Innova Medical Group, the company previously tapped by the U.K. government for hundreds of millions of kits to help regularly screen the country’s population.

The move follows a Class I recall, the FDA’s most serious, launched by Innova in late April amid “significant concerns” about the test’s accuracy — and alongside an official warning letter delivered to the company this week.

The agency’s first recommendation was straightforward: “Stop using the Innova SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test. Destroy the tests by placing them in the trash or return the tests to Innova using the FedEx return label that was included with the recall letter that Innova sent to customers.”


• CDC: Ethylene Oxide May Have More Health Effects Than Cancer

The CDC’s systematic review of non-cancer hazards includes presumed respiratory, neurotoxicity, genotoxicity, reproductive toxicity and developmental toxicity and suspected hematological and endocrine health effects. The agency relied on numerous animal and human studies of inhalation and oral consumption of EtO to reach its conclusions. It also detailed the results of several studies linking EtO to cancer in humans, including breast cancer, leukemia, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and lymphohematopoietic cancers. And it delved into the effects of the gas on children and other vulnerable populations, including those at risk of potentially high exposures to the gas.

• What Is Ethylene Oxide? (OSHA Fact Sheet – PDF)

Ethylene oxide (EtO) is a flammable, colorless gas at temperatures above 51.3 ºF (10.7 ºC) that smells like ether at toxic levels. EtO is found in the production of solvents, antifreeze, textiles, detergents, adhesives, polyurethane foam, and pharmaceuticals. Smaller amounts are present in fumigants, sterilants for spices and cosmetics, as well as during hospital sterilization of surgical equipment. In addition to eye pain and sore throat, exposure to EtO can cause difficult breathing and blurred vision. Exposure can also cause dizziness, nausea, headache, convulsions, blisters and can result in vomiting and coughing. Both human and animal studies show that EtO is a carcinogen that may cause leukemia and other cancers. EtO is also linked to spontaneous abortion, genetic damage, nerve damage, peripheral paralysis, muscle weakness, as well as impaired thinking and memory. In liquid form, EtO can cause severe skin irritation upon prolonged or confined contact.


Reiner Fuellmich: Suing The Powers That Be For “Crimes Against Humanity”

Learn More About Reiner Fuellmich


• WHO Stops Recommending Widespread COVID-19 Testing Of Asymptomatic Cases (The Epoch Times – 06/29/21)
• COVID Nasal Swabs Associated With Increased Meningitis Risk (LifeSite – 04/09/21)

Scientific articles have been appearing in medical journals describing undesirable events “including breaches of the anterior skull base associated with a risk of meningitis.”

• Mass Testing Rollout Hit With Controversy After Leaked Emails Show Officials Questioned Their Accuracy (The Telegraph – 04/15/21)
• Austrian Court Rules PCR Test Not Suitable For COVID-19 Diagnosis And That Lockdowns Has No Legal Basis (greatgameindia.com – 04/08/21)
• Inventor Of Covid Test Calls Fauci A Liar, Says It ‘Doesn’t Tell You That You’re Sick’ (LifeSite – 03/16/21)
• School Covid Tests: Positive Results ‘Very Likely’ To Be False (Guardian – 03/06/21)
• WHO Calls Into Question Ability of RT-PCR Test To Detect COVID-19 (False Positives) (Collective Evolution – 12/19/20)
• COVID-19 Testing Scandal Deepens (Mercola – 12/18/20)
• PCR Test for Coronavirus Questioned by Prominent Scientists (The Vaccine Reaction – 12/16/20)
• 22 Scientists Publish Paper Claiming The PCR Test Is “Useless” For Detecting COVID-19 Cases (Collective Evolution)
• Stock Sales By Leaders At Coronavirus Testing Company Raise Legal Concerns (NPR)
• COVID Testing Fraud Explained (Mercola)
• Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests As Unreliable & Unlawful To Quarantine People (greatgameindia)
• What To Know About COVID-19 Tests, From PCR To Antigen To Antibody (TIME)
• Why COVID-19 Testing Is A Tragic Waste (Mercola)
• Erykah Badu Dumbfounded After Testing Positive For Coronavirus In Left Nostril, Negative In The Right (Fox News)
• Elon Musk’s Rapid-Tests For Coronavirus (2 Positive, 2 Negative) Raise Questions (The Mercury News)
• CDC Report: Officials Knew Coronavirus Test Was Flawed But Released It Anyway (NPR)
• Faulty Coronavirus Kits Suspected As Goat And Fruit Test Positive In Tanzania (New York Post – 05/06/20)


• Hospital Separates Newborn From Parents When They All Test Positive For COVID-19 (LiveSite – 03/25/21)
• Texas Woman Leaked Spinal Fluid After Covid-19 Nasal Swab Test (LiveSite – 03/09/21)
• Microsoft Creates Covid System To ‘Scan Children’ In Schools With Unique Barcode (News Punch – 0/03/21)




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