Who Is Dr. Joseph Mercola?

Dr. Joseph Mercola is an osteopathic physician, best-selling author, and founder of the #1 natural health site. He has been aggressively censored, banned, and deplatformed by mainstream social media networks, news organizations, public officials, and doctors who champion conventional medicine (drugs, surgery, radiation). He is a champion of alternative, holistic, nature-based philosophies and treatments.

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How To Mitigate The Infant Formula Disaster (Includes Healthy Infant Formula Recipe)

Story At A Glance:

• In mid-February 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration shut down Abbott Nutrition’s infant formula manufacturing facility in Sturgis, Michigan, resulting in a severe shortage of formula across the U.S., as labeling regulations bar most infant formula from other countries to be imported

• May 16, 2022, the Biden administration announced it had reached a deal to reopen the Abbott plant in about two weeks, which should result in shelves being restocked in another six to eight weeks

• The Biden administration is also loosening the regulations around foreign imports of infant formula, relaxing WIC restrictions on the types of formulas you can obtain, and cracking down on price gouging to discourage hoarding and reselling at higher prices

• While that may solve the problem in the short term, it does nothing to address the underlying problem, which is the fact that the U.S. market is monopolized by three companies: Abbott, Mead Johnson and Gerber

• Recipes for a superior and healthy homemade infant formula are included

Kirsch & Mercola: COVID Shots Are The Deadliest ‘Vaccines’ In Medical History

Story At A Glance:

• Data suggest 1 in 317 boys aged 16 to 17 will get myocarditis from the COVID shots, and after a third booster, that number may be even higher

• VAERS reporting is likely underreported by a factor of 41. Since there are over 8,000 domestic deaths reported to VAERS, and 98% of those deaths are “excess deaths,” this suggests that as many as 300,000 Americans may have died from the COVID shots thus far

• Calculations based on government data from 35% of the world’s population suggest we’re killing approximately 411 people per million doses on average. Moderna and Pfizer are both two-dose regimens, which pushes this to 822 deaths per million fully vaccinated. And that’s just the short-term mortality. We still have no concept of how these shots might impact mortality and morbidity in the longer term

• An Italian investigation found that if the COVID mortality definition were changed to only include those cases where there were no preexisting comorbidities, the mortality from COVID comes out to just 2.9% of the overall reported number. This suggests that if a COVID death was redefined to being a death actually “from” COVID rather than “with” COVID, the death count could be substantially smaller than 760,000 deaths and may be smaller than the number killed by the vaccines

• The deadliest vaccine ever made is the smallpox vaccine, which killed 1 in 1 million vaccinated people. The COVID shots kills 822 per million fully vaccinated, making it more than 800 times deadlier than the deadliest vaccine in human history

Two New Studies Test Quercetin And Covid Outcomes (pdf – Joseph Mercola – 10/14/21)

Story At A Glance:

– Two recently published studies conrm quercetin is useful as an adjunct therapy in the early outpatient treatment of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection

– In one study, COVID patients who received quercetin in addition to analgesics and an antibiotic cleared the virus faster than those who only received analgesics and antibiotics, and a greater number of patients reported reduced symptoms

– In the second study, daily quercetin supplementation for one month reduced the frequency and length of hospitalization, the need for noninvasive oxygen therapy, intensive care and deaths

– Quercetin has antiviral, anti-blood clotting, anti-inammatory and antioxidant properties, all of which are important in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection

– Quercetin also inhibits binding of specic spike proteins to your ACE2 receptors, thereby blocking the virus’ ability to infect your cells. It’s also been shown to directly neutralize viral proteins that are critical in the replication of SARS-CoV-2

• 96% Fully Vaccinated In Israeli Hospital Delta Outbreak (pdf – Joseph Mercola – 10/13/21)

Story At A Glance:

– A recent report details a SARS-CoV-2 Delta outbreak in an Israeli hospital where 238 out of 248 (96%) of the exposed patients and staff had been fully vaccinated with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine

– Of the 238 fully vaccinated individuals, 39 (16%) were infected, as were three of the 10 unvaccinated individuals who got exposed

– While all of the sickened staff recovered, five infected patients died and nine turned into severe or critical cases. All of the dead and severe/critical cases were fully vaccinated. Two unvaccinated patients that got infected only had mild illness

– This outbreak tells us that the COVID shots cannot create herd immunity. It also suggests vaccinated people may be more prone to serious and lethal infection than the unvaccinated

– Of 41,552 hospitalized patients in the U.S., 73% of the unvaccinated, 71% of the partially vaccinated and 72% of the fully vaccinated received a diagnosis of COVID-like illness (CLI) between January 1, 2021, and June 22, 2021

Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Judy Mikovits & Stephanie Seneff (Joseph Mercola – 09/07/21)

Story At A Glance:

– mRNA-based COVID shots have used codon optimization to improve protein production. A codon consists of three nucleotides, and nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA. Use of codon optimization virtually guarantees unexpected results

– Replacing rare codons must be done judiciously, as rarer codons can have slower translation rates and a slowed-down rate is actually necessary to prevent protein misfolding

– Stop codons, when present at the end of an mRNA coding sequence, signals the termination of protein synthesis. According to a recent paper, both Pfizer and Moderna selected suboptimal stop codons

– The COVID shots induce spike protein at levels unheard of in nature, and the spike protein is the toxic part of the virus responsible for the most unique effects of the virus, such as the blood clotting disorders, neurological problems and heart damage. To expect the COVID shot to not produce these kinds of effects would be rather naïve

– Other significant threats include immune dysfunction and the flare-up of latent viral infections such as herpes and shingles. Coinfections, in turn, could accelerate other diseases. Herpes viruses, for example, have been implicated as a cause of both AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome

Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Joseph Mercola – 07/18/21)


In this interview, return guest Dr. Vladimir Zelenko discusses an incredibly serious concern, one shared with at least two other highly credible experts — Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a life science researcher and former vice-president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, and professor Luc Montagnier, a world-renowned virologist who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of HIV.

Yeadon, Montagnier and Zelenko all believe the COVID-19 shots could reduce life expectancy by several decades, depending on several factors, including whether you’re required to get booster shots. In fact, there may be reason to suspect that many who get the jabs and subsequent boosters could lose their lives within two to three years, as a result of pathogenic priming.

Many may not realize that when I was a youngster I was a Boy Scout, but you might know their motto is “Be Prepared.” It is an approach that has served me well over the years. I am not stating unequivocally that dire outcome will materialize, as my interview next week with Dr. Peter McCullough goes into. However, it would seem prudent to have a good protocol in your hands in anticipation of a worst-case scenario.

So, on that note, Zelenko and I take a deep dive into what can be done to prevent such a fate. Zelenko categorizes the risks of COVID-19 “vaccines” into three categories: acute, subacute and long-term, so let’s begin by reviewing the primary risks found in each of these categories.