
People with remarkable super and paranormal abilities…


Ambidextrous Artist Draws 8 Hyper-Realistic Portraits Using All Hands & Feet At The Same Time

Learn More About Rajacenna


Extraordinarily Gifted People


Kim Peek

• Wikipedia on Kim Peek
Kim Peek – The Real Rain Man (Wisconsin Medical Society)


Daniel Paul Tammet

• Daniel Paul Tammet


Jill Price

Wikipedia on Jill Price


Stephen Wiltshire

• Wikipedia on Stephen Wiltshire


Akiane Kramarik

• Akiane Kramarik – Encounters With Jesus
• Wikipedia on Akiane Kramarik
Akiane Kramarik Website


Jason Padgett

The Violent Attack That Turned A Man Into A Maths Genius


Joy Milne

An Unlikely Superpower (the ability to smell disease)


Isao Machii

Wikipedia on Isao Machii
• Isao Machii Website


Wim Hoff

The Wim Hof Method
Wikipedia on Wim Hof, The Iceman


Leslie Lemke

Leslie Lemke videos on YouTube
Leslie Lemke videos on Vimeo
Wikipedia on Leslie Lemke


Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber Describes His Savant-Like Abilities


Prahlad Jani

Wikipedia on Prahlad Jani
India Yogi Who Claimed To Live Without Food Or Water Dies Aged 90


Ram Bahadur Bamjan (Buddha Boy)

Wikipedia on Ram Bahadur Bamjan
• Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha Facebook Page
• Ram Bahadur Bamjan (Buddha Boy) Videos

Part 2 of 5
Part 3 of 5
Part 4 of 5
Part 5 of 5


Misc. Videos




We Have Abilities And Powers Built Into Us

“We only use a tiny fraction of our brain. I understand that it is about 10 percent. Jesus said that we have abilities and powers built into us; built into us genetically and into our biology to do things like teleport throughout the universe. We could, in this world, be linked to every other intelligent being in the universe. We could grow our food by sitting down and contemplating it and watching it grow right before our eyes from a seed to an edible plant. We could control the weather in unison with everybody else in the world. All that’s waiting for us. The problem is; the reason why we don’t have those gifts now, why we’re being held back from them, is because we would abuse them… We don’t know how to play with the toys we’ve been given so far, so it’s quite obvious that we are not ready to be able to telepathically know everyone on this planet. But a day is coming — and it’s not very far off, frankly — when that’s going to happen.”

— Near-Death Experiencer Howard Storm


Especially Important Extraordinary Human Capability Posts on NHNE Pulse

• The Angeli Symphony of Stuart Sharp
• Anna Breytenbach, The Animal Communicator
• Dr. Bruce Greyson: Science & Postmortem Survival
• Ken Wilber Describes His Savant-Like Abilities
Andy Paquette: 20 Year History of Precognitive Dreams
• Chinese Boy With Cat-Like Eyes Can See In The Dark
Teen Has Ability To Instantly Say Words Backwards
Michael Murphy: The Future Of The Human Body
Creating Zen-Like ‘Flow’ With tDCS Zaps To The Brain
60 Minutes: ‘Mozart Of Chess: Magnus Carlsen’
Carly Fleischmann: Autistic Girl Who Used A Computer To Ask For Help
Unsolved Mysteries: Ice Woman
Bob Olson Interviews Anita Moorjani
Jorian Ponomareff: Motorcycle Wizard
Yoga Breakdancing
100-Year-Old Man Completes Marathon
Derren Brown Documentary: ‘Miracles For Sale’
First Irish Case Of Death By Spontaneous Human Combustion
Woman Sleeps For MONTHS At A Time
TED: David Blaine: How I Held My Breath For 17 Min
Amazing Display Of Youthful Agility
Girl Loses Half Her Brain In Car Crash & Gains An Amazing New Artistic Ability
Janice Tunnicliffe: A Woman Who Is Allergic To Electricity
Heather Dorniden: The Runner Who Didn’t Give Up
Woman Wakes Up After Surgery Speaking With British Accent
Autistic Boy, 12, Develops Theory Of Relativity
‘Wolf Child’ Named World’s Hairiest Girl
Thinking Cap Increases Creativity
Temple Grandin, Claire Danes & HBO’s Movie
Bluejay: Getting To Know The Mind Of A Child Prodigy
60 Minutes: The Gift of Endless Memory
An Interview With Taoist Wizard Peter Ragnar
Scientists Discover Evidence For Psychic Phenomena
1972 Best Documentary: Marjoe
The Real Superhumans
Indian Man Immune To Electrocution
Seeing With The Eyes Of God


Especially Important Links

Jason Padgett – The Violent Attack That Turned A Man Into A Maths Genius
Marcos Rodríguez Pantoja: The Man Who Was Raised By Wolves
The Esalen Archives Of Extraordinary Human Functioning
Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove Interviews Michael Murphy on “The Future of The Body”
Michael Murphy’s “The Future of the Body”
Wikipedia On Autistic Savant
• Amazing People with Real Superpowers

Near-Death Experiences Absolutely, Positively NOT Caused By Malfunctioning Brains