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Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)


Yale Just Proved COVID Vaccine Injury Exists And Spike Production Persists For Years Inside The Body (A Midwestern Doctor, 02/19/25)

The first half of this article provides the context for that study, while the second half discusses it (e.g., that the vaccine spike protein can persist in the body for at least 709 days and cause at least two years of chronic immunological suppression and autoimmunity that directly correlate to the presence of chronic illnesses).

Note: as this study was conducted by a team of immunologists, they primarily focused on immunologic changes (and as a result many of the other chronic consequences of vaccination were not discussed). Additionally, it should be noted that they originally strongly endorsed the vaccination (both to prevent COVID and to treat long COVID—which is often disastrous) and came from a very pro-vaccine institution. As such, the fact they were willing to change their stance on this should be acknowledged (and indicates a lot of work went into verifying the accuracy of their data).


Insurance Data Reveals U.S. Mortality Crisis Persists — Mass COVID-19 “Vaccination” Likely To Blame (Nicolas Hulscher, 02/24/25)

Key points:

• At least 270,227,181 people or 81 percent of the U.S. population have received at least one dose. Overall, 230,637,348 people or 70 percent of the U.S. population are considered fully vaccinated.

• Alessandria et al found that COVID-19 “vaccination” reduced life expectancy by 37% and increased all-cause death risks during the 2-year follow-up period.

• Rodrigues and Andrade found that COVID-19 “vaccination” ultimately doubles the risk of post-COVID death in the long-term.

• The largest COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ safety study ever conducted, involving 99 million ‘vaccinated’ individuals, found up to a 610% increased risk of myocarditis following mRNA platform injection. Risk Stratification for Future Cardiac Arrest after COVID-19 vaccination, subclinical vaccine-induced myopericarditis may trigger reentrant ventricular tachycardia or spontaneous ventricular fibrillation, often precipitated by a surge in catecholamines during intense exercise or shortly after waking, leading to sudden cardiac death.


Failure To Immediately Withdraw Covid-19 ‘Vaccines’ Qualifies As Mass Negligent Homicide!


1. Increasing Death Rates


Covid-19 ‘Vaccines’ Estimated To Have Killed More People Than 121 Hiroshima Nuclear Bombings (Nicolas Hulscher, 11/03/24)

Since the global roll-out of the COVID-19 injections in late 2020, substantial data has surfaced linking them to a catastrophic number of deaths. Below is a working list of some of the strongest evidence to date:

1. Rancourt et al: estimated 17 million COVID-19 vaccine deaths worldwide by September 2023 .

2. Mostert et al: estimated 3.1 million excess deaths likely attributed to COVID-19 vaccination/lockdowns among 47 countries of the Western World from 2020 to 2022.

3. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS): 37,966 reported COVID-19 vaccine deaths – under-reporting factor of 31 yields 1,176,946 COVID-19 vaccine deaths among countries that use VAERS.

4. Skidmore: estimated 278,000 Americans may have died from the COVID-19 vaccine by December 2021.

5. Pantazatos and Seligmann: estimated 146,000 to 187,000 possible vaccine-associated deaths in the United States by August 2021.

6. Hulscher et al (I): estimated 49,240 excess cardiac arrest deaths possibly due to COVID-19 vaccination in the U.S. from 2021-2023.

7. Hulscher et al (II): found a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death from analysis of 325 autopsies.

8. Aarstad and Kvitastein: found a higher COVID-19 vaccine uptake was associated with increased all-cause mortality.

9. Alessandria et al: found all-cause death risks to be higher for those vaccinated with one and two COVID-19 vaccine doses compared to unvaccinated individuals. The subjects vaccinated with 2 doses lost 37% of life expectancy compared to the unvaccinated population during follow-up.

Regardless of methodology used, far too many suspected deaths have occurred due to the experimental COVID-19 injections. For reference, approximately 140,000 people were killed from the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. Therefore, the COVID-19 injection campaign may have killed the equivalent of at least 121 Hiroshima nuclear attacks…

Over 200,000 Americans Killed By The Covid Vaccine: 10 Methods, Same Answer (Steve Kirsch, 10/20/24)
3% Of People Vaccinated Against Covid-19 ‘Died Suddenly’ (09/03/24, World Council for Health)

The study highlights several critical findings:

• Mortality rate: The researchers concluded that the vaccine-related mortality rate is approximately 3%, predominantly affecting individuals under the age of 60 who had not been hospitalized prior to their deaths

• Demographics: A significant portion of the deaths occurred among women under 60, who represented the majority of adverse reactions reported

• Timing of deaths: Most deaths were reported to occur shortly after the first dose of the vaccine, with the authors emphasizing that the first three days post-vaccination are crucial for monitoring the health status of vaccinated individuals.

Report: Spatiotemporal Variation Of Excess All-Cause Mortality In The World (125 Countries) During The Covid Period 2020-2023 Regarding Socio Economic Factors And Public-Health And Medical Interventions (07/19/2024)

We are compelled to state that the public health establishment and its agents fundamentally caused all the excess mortality in the Covid period, via assaults on populations, harmful medical interventions and COVID-19 vaccine rollouts.

We conclude that nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon.

‘The Dam Has Broken’: Mainstream Media Reports On Study Showing Covid Vaccines Likely Fueled Rise In Excess Deaths (Suzanne Burdick, The Defender, 06/04/2024)

Data from 47 countries in the Western world showed excess mortality has remained high for the last three consecutive years, according to a study published Monday in BMJ Public Health. The authors called for a thorough investigation.

80% Of Covid-Vaxxed Pregnant Women Suffered Miscarriages (Frank Bergman, Slay, 05/02/2024)


One Million People Signature Campaign Demands The Government Of Japan Investigate Increased Deaths


Dr. Pierre Kory On The Ingraham Angle: “We’ve Never Seen Dying At This Rate!”


Neil Oliver On Excess Deaths: How Many Are Enough To Wake Up The Sleeping Masses?


Australian Senate Establishes Formal Inquiry Into Excess Deaths (Rebekah Barnett, 03/26/24)

The Australian Senate voted to establish a parliamentary inquiry into the nation’s excess deaths today, giving the green light to what is possibly the first inquiry of this nature in the world. One year and five motions is what it took for Senator Ralph Babet, of the United Australia Party, to finally get the go-ahead on the inquiry.

This Is Bigger Than Covid: Why Are So Many Americans Dying Early? (Pierre Kory and Mary Beth Pfeiffer, The Hill, 12/12/23)

Life insurers have been consistently sounding the alarm over these unexpected or, “excess,” deaths, which claimed 158,000 more Americans in the first nine months of 2023 than in the same period in 2019. That exceeds America’s combined losses from every war since Vietnam. Congress should urgently work with insurance experts to investigate this troubling trend.

The New Zealand M.O.A.R. Covid-19 Vaccine Data Set
Korean Studies Indicate What Our Government Is Hiding (Guy Hatchard, 12/05/23)

The Korean National Health Insurance Service tabulates health data of the whole population, including vaccination status, which allows researchers to compare the ongoing health outcomes of the vaccinated with the unvaccinated. Precisely the information our government is hiding from independent researchers and public scrutiny — comparative data, which we have been requesting they release. So what have they found in Korea? . . . These studies analysed the rates of some specific health outcomes for millions of people following Covid vaccination. The researchers concluded that a very wide range of concerning health conditions are initiated over extended periods as a result of Covid vaccination…

Prominent Ex-CEO Of Singapore’s Largest National Insurance Company Makes Stunning U-Turn! (@aussie17, 12/07/23)


Denis Rancourt Sounds The All-Cause Mortality Alarm At International Crisis Summit 4


McCullough & Rancourt Discuss All-Cause Mortality: COVID-19 Vaccines Have Killed 17 Million People!

“It’s unambiguous: All-cause mortality by time in all countries that we studied across the world — there is not a single example of evidence where you could conclude that lives were saved by the vaccine rollout. There is no decrease in all-cause mortality. It’s the opposite!”

— Denis Rancourt, PhD


Liz Gunn: The Mother Of All [COVID-19 Vaccine] Revelations (Data Revealed In This Video)


New Report: Young People Dying Of Cancer At ‘Explosive’ Rates, UK Government Data Show (Mike Capuzzo, 11/22/23)

The study’s results in the rate of cancer deaths above the historic norm in 2022 for ages 15-44 in the U.K. included:

• A 28% rise in fatal breast cancer rates in women.

• An 80% increase in pancreatic cancer deaths among women and a 60% increase among men.

• A 55% increase among men in colon cancer deaths and a 41% increase in women.

• A 120% increase in fatal melanomas among men and a 35% increase in women.

• A 35% increase in brain cancer deaths among men and a 12% rise in women.

• A 60% increase in cancer death rates among men in cancers “without site specification” and a 55% increase among women.

Alarming Acceleration In New Zealand Excess Deaths, Latest Official Figures Up 70% On Last Year (Guy Hatchard, 11/13/23)
‘Excess Mortality’ Continuing Surge Causes Concerns (Doug Bailey, Insurance NewsNet, 10/26/23)

…the U.S. Center of Disease Control that show mortality rates alarmingly rising for different categories. For example, younger adult mortality rates are up more than 20% in 2023, the CDC said. Cause of death data show increased cardiac mortality in all ages. And even as COVID-related causes declined in 2022, others rose, particularly stroke, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases.

“Consider the ripples of COVID-19 and its varying impacts, leading to higher rates of depression, suicide, and increased substance abuse,” said Samantha Chow, global leader for Life, Annuity and Benefits Sector at Capgemini, the giant multinational Paris-based consulting company. “This has set off a domino effect. From a life insurer’s standpoint, and those dealing in retirement and long-term care solutions, there’s a larger conversation at hand. Can the industry handle a sudden spike in claims? The surge in excess deaths caught carriers off guard, and our aging population is becoming more susceptible to illnesses or passing due to natural causes.”

Chow said there’s a real question of whether the insurance industry can sustain the enormous payouts the excess mortality rates will dictate.

“The real concern for life insurers lies in preparing for an unexpected wave of death claims and the impact on their assets under management,” she said. “Do they have enough reserves to weather these outflows, given the excess deaths? It’s not just about death or health. It is about the industry’s ability and readiness to manage this monumental outflow.”

Capgemini just published its World Life Insurance Report that revealed the upcoming largest inter-generational wealth transfer in history that is expected to cause a massive outflow of nearly 40% of life insurers’ assets under management (AUM), totaling $7.8 trillion, by 2040.

“When we factor in the rise of payouts on death claims, the magnitude of the situation demands urgent attention by the industry,” the report said.

Excess Mortality In The 20 Most Vaccinated Highly Developed Countries Almost Triples! (USMortality, 11/04/23)
Insurance Industry Execs ‘Alarmed’ By Surge In Deaths Among Young People — But Stop Short Of Blaming COVID Shots (Mike Capuzzo, The Defender, 11/06/23)
The Veil Of Silence Over Excess Deaths (Sonia Elijah, Brownstone Institute, 10/26/23)
Why Are Death And Disability Rising Among Young Americans? (Dr. Pierre Kory & Mary Beth Pfeiffer, Newsweek, 10/26/23)


ALARMING! Dr. John Campbell: Young Adult Death Rate Up 20% In 2023! (Also Up In 2020, 2021, 2022)


Dr. William Makis: “Cause Unknown” Is A Crime And A Cover-Up!

Question: “Is this a cover-up?”

Dr. William Makis: “I believe so. We’ve had too many sudden deaths. The number one cause of death in Alberta in 2021 was ’cause unknown’ and that’s never happened before. We had 3,400 Albertans die of ’cause unknown.’ And again, it’s because the proper autopsies are not being done. The pathologists are aware of it. The health authorities are aware of it. They’re discouraging autopsies from being done…”


British MP Andrew Bridgen’s Speech: Trends In Excess Deaths (October 20, 2023)


UK Cause Of Death Project: Death & Disability Trends, Ages 15-44: Malignant Neoplasms (October 2023)

Data Analyst: “We Have A Crisis Underway” (The Vigilant Fox, 10/08/23)

Heart attacks, cancers, and non-COVID-related deaths have ravaged young people over the past two and a half years. Unfortunately, the situation is only getting worse. Since the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines,” deaths among young people have surged at alarming rates. And, unfortunately, the situation is only getting worse. According to U.S. CDC and NCHS data, excess mortality among 0 to 24-year-olds has hit new highs, with a seven-week average of 41.7% more deaths than anticipated.

‘Definite Causal Link’ Between Covid Vaccine Rollouts And Peaks In All-Cause Mortality, New Study Finds (Brenda Baletti, Childen’s Health Defense, 09/20/23)

Researchers estimated the COVID-19 vaccines led to approximately 17 million deaths worldwide, with the most deaths occurring among the elderly.

Bombshell: Our Worst Fears Confirmed. New Study Finds Both COVID And mRNA Vaccines Have Caused Heart Damage To Billions Of People (The Wellness Company, 09/11/23)
COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated Mortality In The Southern Hemisphere (Correlation, 09/17/23)

Seventeen equatorial and Southern-Hemisphere countries were studied (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay), which comprise 9.10 % of worldwide population, 10.3 % of worldwide COVID-19 injections (vaccination rate of 1.91 injections per person, all ages), virtually every COVID-19 vaccine type and manufacturer, and span 4 continents.

In the 17 countries, there is no evidence in all-cause mortality (ACM) by time data of any beneficial effect of COVID-19 vaccines. There is no association in time between COVID-19 vaccination and any proportionate reduction in ACM. The opposite occurs.

All 17 countries have transitions to regimes of high ACM, which occur when the COVID-19 vaccines are deployed and administered. Nine of the 17 countries have no detectable excess ACM in the period of approximately one year after a pandemic was declared on 11 March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO), until the vaccines are rolled out (Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Philippines, Singapore, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay).

Unprecedented peaks in ACM occur in the summer (January-February) of 2022 in the Southern Hemisphere, and in equatorial-latitude countries, which are synchronous with or immediately preceded by rapid COVID-19-vaccine-booster-dose rollouts (3rd or 4th doses). This phenomenon is present in every case with sufficient mortality data (15 countries). Two of the countries studied have insufficient mortality data in JanuaryFebruary 2022 (Argentina and Suriname).

Suddenly & Unexpectedly (Coquin De Chien, August 24, 2023)

The results are staggering and incontrovertible. Something is very wrong with public health beginning not in the covid year of 2020, but rather upon deployment of the transfecting gene therapy drug the government calls a “vaccine” in 2021.

Disturbing Trend: Maternal Death Rates Have Soared 50% Since Vaccine Rollout In America (The Vigilant Fox, 08/22/23)

“The maternal mortality rate for 2021 was 32.9 deaths per 100,000 live births, compared with a rate of 23.8 in 2020 and 20.1 in 2019,” according to the National Center for Health Statistics. That’s a 38.2% increase compared to 2020 and a 63.7% increase from 2019. Overall, a 50% increase in maternal mortality — very troubling numbers.

Mortality Summary, USA, 2020 To 2023 – Excess Mortality Is Significantly Higher In The Post-Vax Era, Especially In The Younger Ages (Joel Smalley, 08/20/23)
Covid Vaccine-Related Deaths Send ‘Mortality’ To Unseen Highs (Sharyl Attkisson, 08/19/23)
As Evidence Of Harm Mounts, Silence Becomes Reprehensible! (Maggie Thorp, Dr. Jim Thorp, America Out Loud, 08/12/23)

Dr. John Campbell: The Most Vaccinated Countries Are STILL Seeing High Rates Of Excess Mortality


Dr. John Campbell: Excessive Deaths Continue To Rise!


Devastating COVID Vaccine Autopsy Study, Co-Authored By Dr. Peter McCullough, Suppressed By Lancet

Study: A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination (pdf)

Lancet Study On Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused By Vaccine – Journal Removes Study Within 24 Hours (Will Jones, Daily Sceptic, 07/06/23)

A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine — but the journal removed the study within 24 hours. The study, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company and was published online on Wednesday on the pre-print site of the prestigious medical journal. However, less than 24 hours later, the study was removed and a note appeared stating: “This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.” While the study had not undergone any part of the peer-review process, the note implies it fell foul of “screening criteria”.

Systemic Review of 325 Autopsies Finds Convincing Evidence That COVID-19 Vaccine Is The Culprit In Majority Found Dead After Injection (Dr. Peter McCullough, 07/05/23)

As government and public health officials squirm with more published deaths coming out on a daily basis, the final retort of “you cannot prove the vaccine caused the death” has just been blown out of the water! Hulscher et al have published the largest accumulation of autopsy result in deaths after COVID-19 vaccination. From a total of 325 cases, independent review found the COVID-19 vaccine was the cause of death in 73.9%. The vast majority had the cardiovascular system as the single fatal organ system injury to the body.

Excess Deaths Are Exploding, Experts Remain Stumped (Dr. Joseph Mercola, 05/25/23)

Lions And Tigers And Bears (And Many Other Animals) Are “Dying Suddenly” In Zoos Worldwide (Mark Crispin Miller – 04/11/23)
Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled (Tyler Durden / ZeroHedge – 03/28/23)

Australia Didn’t A Lot Of Covid Deaths Until After They Rolled Out The Covid Vaccines. Now Excess Deaths Are Out Of Control. (Steve Kirsch – 03/03/23)

Stillbirths Nearly Doubled In Singapore, One Of The World’s Most mRNA Vaccinated Countries, In 2022 (Alex Berenson – 03/01/23)
>20X Increase In Perinatal Death Rate At Funeral Home Used By UCSF In H2 2022 (Steve Kirsch – 02/20/23)
New Zealand Records Biggest Increase In Registered Deaths In 100 Years (Julia Gabel & Chris Knox / New Zealand Herald – 02/19/23)
Excess Mortality In Germany 2020-2022 (Josh Guetzklow / Daily Clout – 02/10/23)

Funerals Delayed As Increase In Number Of Deaths Puts Mortuaries Under Pressure (Ann Murphy / Irish Examiner – 01/30/23)
New Peer-Reviewed Study: >217,000 Americans Killed By The Covid Vaccines In Just The First Year Alone! (Steve Kirsch – 01/25/23)
More People Died Last Year Than Ever Before. Sydney’s Death Industry Has Struggled To Cope (Anthony Segaert / Sydney Morning Herald – 01/21/23)
The Most Important Dataset Of The Pandemic Was Just Released (A Midwestern Doctor – 12/13/22)

New Autopsy Report Reveals Those Who Died Suddenly Were Likely Killed by the Covid Vaccine (Will Jones / Brownstone – 12/07/22)
Life-Insurance Payouts Hit Record $100 Billion In 2021 (Wall Street Journal – 11/28/22)
The Number Of FIFA Footballers Who ‘Died Suddenly’ In 2021 Was 300% Higher Than The Previous 12-Year Average (The Expose’ – 11/23/22)
The Funeral Business Is Booming, But Not Because Of Covid (Alex Berenson – 11/02/22)


Dr. Peter McCullough: 509,000 Americans Have Lost Their Lives From COVID-19 Vaccines!


We Now Have A Pandemic Of Sudden Death In Previously Healthy Young Kids! (Full Interview)


30 Detailed Autopsies Suggest COVID Vaccines Are Going To Kill Vast Numbers Of People!

Report 56: Autopsies Reveal Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus


Ed Dowd, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik Discuss The Epidemic Of Sudden Death


One Chart That Says It All: Vaccinated People Dying In Far Greater Numbers Than Unvaccinated

Watch The Full 3-Hour Washington D.C. Roundtable Discussion


Died Suddenly (Full Documentary, Not Suitable For Children)

Movie WebsiteStew Peters Website


Ed Dowd Reveals Frightening New Global Death Rate Data

Humanity Projects


Ed Dowd On Dr. Drew: Sudden Adult Deaths Since 2021


Mark Steyn, GBNews: Why Are Young Healthy People Dying Across The UK?


Edward Dowd Shares Dramatic Statistics Before & After COVID-19 Vaccine


Europe Has Officially Recorded More Excess Deaths In 2022 Than In 2020 & 2021 (The Expose’ – 09/24/22)


Funeral Director John O’Looney: Mass Vaccination Is Causing Genocide!

COVID-19 – Mystery Clots In Vaccinated Deceased People


Edward Dowd: New Actuarial Report Reaffirms Trail Of Death Caused By Vaccine Mandates!

Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey

Ed Dowd’s Website: They Lied, People Died


Cause Unknown: The Epidemic Of Sudden Deaths In 2021 & 2022

Ed Dowd’s Website: They Lied, People Died


5 More Insurance Companies Report Spikes In All-Cause Mortality (The Highwire)


Edward Dowd: Covid Vaccines Are Causing Death & Disability Rates To Skyrocket

Ed Dowd’s Website: They Lied, People Died


Life Insurance Company Reports 163% Increase In Death Benefits Following Vaccine Rollout


Facts Matter: Deaths Are Up 40% Among Working People


Jamie Jenkins, GBNews: Why Are Birth Rates Falling & Excess Deaths Rising?


Indiana Life Insurance CEO – Deaths Are Up 40% Among People Ages 18-64!


Jessica Rose: How COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing Millennials


Naomi Wolf: The Media & The FDA Are Complicit In Mass Murder


Edward Dowd: Funeral Home & Insurance Company COVID-19 Statistics

Ed Dowd’s Website: They Lied, People Died


Edward Dowd: Canada’s Death Data Confirms Acceleration Of Deaths In Millennials (25-44 Year Olds)

Ed Dowd’s Website: They Lied, People Died


Edward Dowd Explains How Thousands Of People Have Died From COVID Vaccines

Ed Dowd’s Website: They Lied, People Died


Edward Dowd: CDC Data Reveals The Government, Through Mandates, Has Killed Thousands Of People!

Ed Dowd’s Website: They Lied, People Died


“This Is a Mass Murder Event” ~ Naomi Wolf Interviews Edward Dowd About Pfizer FRAUD

Ed Dowd’s Website: They Lied, People Died


BOMBSHELL: Naomi Wolf Interviews Edward Dowd About Pfizer Fraud & Criminal Ramifications

Ed Dowd’s Website: They Lied, People Died


Parents Refuse Use Of Vaccinated Blood In Life-Saving Surgery On Baby (The Guardian – 11/30/22)
Demand For Unvaccinated Blood Soaring (Dr. Panda – 11/21/22)
Is The U.S. Blood Supply Tainted? (Children’s Health Defense – 10/06/22)
American Red Cross Under Scrutiny After Confessing It Does Not Separate Vaccinated From Unvaccinated Blood (Becker News – 09/23/22)

Mother Blames “Vaccinated Blood” For The Death Of Her One-Month-Old Baby Who Died From Blood Clot Following Blood Transfusion (Daily Clout – 09/28/22)
2022 Excess Deaths All Around The World Raise An Alarm (The Epoch Times – 09/09/22)
URGENT: Deaths Are Soaring In One Of The World’s Most Highly mRNA Vaccinated Areas (Alex Berenson – 09/08/22)
Excess Mortality And Elevated Cancer Rates Likely To Get Worse (Igor Chudov – 08/28/22)
Houston, We Have A Problem (The Ethical Skeptic – 08/28/22)
What Happens When 3 Billion Vaccinated People Have Undiagnosed Myocarditis? (GreatGameIndia – 07/15/22)
FDA And The CDC Are On Notice/The Casket Industry Is Booming (Etana Hecht – 07/06/22)

I spoke to the family who owns one of the largest casket manufacturers in North America. They supply caskets to huge chains across the US and manufacture Prime Caskets, among others. It’s horrific to have to report on such a thing, but the owners said that their sales of typical caskets have increased by 20%, and since Dec 2021 their sales of small-size caskets (under 5 feet, i.e, for children) have increased by 400%. He’s not the only one talking about it, those in the funeral industry are well aware of the sudden change in the nature of their business.

Life Insurance Company Reports 163% Increase In Death Benefits Following Vaccine Rollout
Facts Matter: Deaths Are Up 40% Among Working People
Jamie Jenkins, GBNews: Why Are Birth Rates Falling & Excess Deaths Rising?
• Covid-19’s 6th Wave Begins, With More Seriously Ill And More Deaths (Jerusalem Post – 06/27/22)
• There’s Been A 44% Increase In Death Rate In Just Under A Year Of Reporting According To The CDC. Why Are They Not Informing The Public? (Jessica Rose – 06/23/22)
Fifth Largest Life Insurance Company In U.S. Paid Out 163% More For Deaths Of Working People Ages 18-64 In 2021 – Total Claims/Benefits Up $6 Billion (Margaret Menge – 06/15/22)
Overall Deaths In Australia – Where Nearly Everyone Is Vaccinated – Are Spiking (Alex Berenson – 06/05/22)
URGENT: Death Rates Are Soaring Again In Highly Vaccinated European Countries (Alex Berenson – 06/03/22)
• Urgent Warning To Women Under 40 After Sharp Rise In Sudden Killer (The Sun – 05/31/22)
Jessica Rose: How COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing Millennials (Jessica Rose – 03/25/22)
Horowitz: More VAERS-Reported Vaccine Deaths In Our Military Than COVID Deaths (Blaze Media – 03/25/22)
• Dr. Robert Malone: “9 Out Of 10 People Dying Of COVID Have Been Vaccinated!” (Bannon’s War Room – 03/02/22)
Board Member Of Large German Insurance Company Blows The Whistle On Covid Vaccines (Steve Kirsch – 02/23/22)
• Rise In Non-Covid-19 Deaths Hits Life Insurers (Wall Street Journal – 02/23/22)
The Defender On Indiana Life Insurance Article (The Defender – 01/05/22)
Steve Kirsch Commentary On Indiana Life Insurance Article (Steve Kirsch – 01/03/22)
Jessica Rose Commentary On Indiana Life Insurance Article (Jessica Rose – 01/03/22)
Dr. Robert Malone Commentary On Indiana Life Insurance Article (Robert Malone – 01/02/22)
Indiana Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths Are Up 40% Among People Ages 18-64 (The Center Square – 01/01/22)
• Covid Vax Death Rate 21 Times Higher Than All Other Vaxxes! (Principia Scientific – 01/11/22)
• New Big Data Study Of 145 Countries Show Covid Vaccines Makes Things Worse (Cases And Deaths) (Steve Kirsch – 01/08/22)
Nationwide Surge In Deaths Among People Aged 18-49: A State by State Overview (The Epoch Times – 01/12/22)
Chilling Pandemic Data From The Insurance Industry (Mary Beth Pfeiffer – 01/04/22)
• Triple & Double Vaccinated Accounted For 4 In Every 5 Covid-19 Deaths In England (The Expose’ – 12/18/21)
• The High Mortality Rate In Spain ‘Puzzles’ Experts (Free West Media – 12/10/21)
• Mass Vaccination Was Supposed To Restore ‘Normalcy.’ So Why Are Excess Deaths On The Rise? (The Defender – 12/08/21)
• 85% Of Covid-19 Deaths Are Among The Vaccinated, Child Deaths Have Risen By 83% Since They Were Offered The Jab (The Expose’ – 12/04/21)
• Dutch Deaths More Than 20 Percent Higher Than Previous Year Average (Free West Media – 11/21/21)
• 654 Of Fully Vaccinated Residents Have Died From Covid-19 Breakthrough Infections (KMOV St. Louis – 11/18/21)
• Alarm Grows As Mortuaries Fill With Thousands Of Extra Non-Covid Deaths (The Telegraph – 11/16/21)
• Double Vaccinated People Were Six Times More Likely To Die Of ALL CAUSES Than Unvaccinated People (The Expose’ – 10/27/21)
• Germany Sees Rise In Excess Mortality In Covid-19 Vaccination Year (Free West Media – 10/24/21)
• Former CDC Director Gives Alarming Statistic On Fully Vaccinated COVID Deaths (Townhall – 10/19/21)
• U.S. Governor: 25 Percent More Deaths Among Fully Vaccinated People (Free West Media – 09/09/21)
• 49 People Who Were Fully Vaccinated Have Died Of Covid In N.J. (NJ.com – 08/16/21)
• Vaccinated Americans Are Being Hospitalized For Covid And Dying (The Vaccine Reaction – 08/15/21)
• 169 Dead, 644 Hospitalized in Illinois Breakthrough Covid Cases (NBC5 Chicago – 07/28/21)
• 43 Fully Vaccinated Texans Die Of COVID-19, Mostly White Men (International Business Times – 07/28/21)
• 27 Fully Vaccinated People Have Died In Tennessee, Health Department Says (KATU2 ABC – 07/23/21)
• 4,115 Fully Vaccinated Have Been Hospitalized Or Died With Breakthrough COVID Infections, CDC Says (The Defender – 06/29/21)
• CDC: 4,115 Fully Vaccinated Have Been Hospitalized Or Died With Breakthrough Covid-19 Infections (Forbes – 06/26/21)
• 21 Wisconsinites died of COVID, despite being fully vaccinated (FOX6 Milwaukee – 06/30/21)

Hundreds Of Professional Athletes Collapsing On Field, Dying From Heart Complications
Worldwide Surge Of Sports People Suffering Sudden Health Issues And Death
Complete COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Athlete Injury/Death List To-Date: 779 Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 500 Dead
318 Athlete Cardiac Arrest, Serious Issues, 178 Dead, After COVID Shot
Why Aren’t We Investigating Surge in Sudden Deaths of Athletes? (The Defender – 02/18/22)
At Least 69 Athletes Collapse In One Month, Many Dead (Free West Media – 11/26/21)

More Information:

Ed Dowd’s Website: They Lied, People Died
COVID-19 – Blood Clots In Vaccinated Dead People
COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Transmission (Shedding)
• COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)
• Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s
• COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS)
• COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing


2. Plummeting Birth Rates


80% Of Covid-Vaxxed Pregnant Women Suffered Miscarriages (Frank Bergman, Slay, 05/02/24)


Naomi Wolf: U.S. Birthrate Hitting Record Lows After Mass mRNA Vaccination Campaign!


Current News & Information:

VERY URGENT: The Fertility Crisis In mRNA Countries Is Deepening (Alex Berenson, July 2, 2023)

The global baby bust is worsening – and the problem is deepest in countries that relied most heavily on mRNA Covid shots. Most notably, several nations that had stable birth levels before the mRNAs were introduced in 2021 have seen sharp drops since. Sweden had about 115,000 births annually from 2012 to 2021. Last year, births plunged to 105,000. In 2023, they are tracking below 100,000. Germany has a similar trend. Meanwhile, Eastern European nations like Bulgaria – which had much lower mRNA jab rates – have seen in some cases increases in births in the last year…

Stillbirths Nearly Doubled In Singapore, One Of The World’s Most mRNA Vaccinated Countries, In 2022 (Alex Berenson – 03/01/23)
Birth Rates Plunge In Heavily Vaccinated Countries (Colleen Huber / The Epoch Times – 02/21/23)
>20X Increase In Perinatal Death Rate At Funeral Home Used By UCSF In H2 2022 (Steve Kirsch – 02/20/23)
The Link Between The Massive Drop In Birth Rates And mRNA Vaccines Is Undeniable (Sven Román & Dr. Jonathan Gilthorpe / The Daily Sceptic – 01/24/23)

Report 52: Nine Months Post-COVID mRNA “Vaccine” Rollout, Substantial Birth Rate Drops In 13 European Countries, England/Wales, Australia, And Taiwan (Dr. Robert W. Chandler / DailyClout – 01/16/23)
Massive Fall In The Birth Rate – A Consequence Of The Corona Vaccination? (Dr. Paul Alexander – 12/01/22)

Current official figures from Germany and Switzerland show a massive decline in births in the first five months of this year. In Germany the decline was 9%, in Switzerland 13% compared to the previous years 2019 to 2021. “This is also very surprising because births have increased sharply in both countries in the last 10 years and the current decline observed breaks with this trend…

A detailed analysis from Switzerland shows that the massive drop in birth rates occurred in all Swiss cantons at the same time and amounted to between 2.5% and 29.1% (with the exception of one canton). This decrease correlates extremely significantly with the time of the first corona vaccination in the age group 20 to 49 years nine months earlier (low p-value of 0.0005704). It is also striking that regions with a high vaccination rate in this age group also show a stronger fall in births: a vaccination rate of 63.9% in Zurich with a fall in births of −18% and 49.7% in eastern Switzerland with a fall in births of − 8.6%.

The Missing Babies Of Europe (Mary Beth Pfeiffer — 11/28/22)

Evidence is growing in Europe that many fewer babies are being born in the aftermath of — and circumstantially related to — the covid-19 vaccination rollouts. This widespread phenomenon is alarming doctors, data analysts, and others who say a monumental shift is being ignored.

Fertility Matters. What’s Going On With Birth Rates? (Spectator Australia – 08/13/22)
Taiwan: Birth Rate CRATERED -27.66% in June 2022!!! (Igor Chudov – 07/09/22)
Hungary: Most Vaccinated Counties Have Worst Birth Rate Drops! (Igor Chudov – 07/03/22)
Sweden’s Birth Rate Dropping Precipitously Every Month (Igor Chudov – 07/02/22)

Scroll down for additional news and information…

What’s Going On With Births Down Under In Australia?

Birth Rates: Australian Bureau Of Statistics


Dr. James Thorp On The Dramatic Increase Of Miscarriages, Fetal Deaths, Menstrual Abnormalities


Naomi Wolf & Igor Chudov: Alarming Drop In Birthrates & Fertility Among mRNA Vaccinated Women


Dr. Christiane Northrup On Fertility Issues: The Horror Of What Is Happening Is Unimaginable

My Cycle Story: A Research Study


Naomi Wolf: Baby Deaths Skyrocketing Among Vaccinated Mothers


COVID-19 Vaccines Causing Excessive Still Births In Canada

Watch The Full Video Here


Prenatal And Neonatal Infant Deaths Skyrocket Worldwide Since COVID-19 Vaccines Started (Health Impact News – 05/16/22)
Investigation Launched After ‘Mystery’ Surge In Deaths Of Newborn Babies (Summit News – 05/16/22)
Investigation Launched Amid Second ‘Unusual’ Spike In Neonatal Deaths In Scotland (The Herald – 05/13/22)
Why Are Birth Rates Plummeting In The United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, And Taiwan – Nine Months After Mass Covid Vaccinations? (KanekoaTheGreat – 06/27/22)
Depopulation Of Taiwan: Birth Rate Dropped By 23% In ONE YEAR – And It Is NOT Covid (Igor Chudov – 06/26/22)
New Study & Pfizer Documents Prove Covid-19 Vaccination Is Going To Cause Mass Depopulation Through Infertility & Death (The Expose’ – 06/26/22)

Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to mass depopulation, and it’s going to do this by reducing the fertility of men through lowered sperm counts, affecting the fertility of women by attacking the ovaries, causing women to suffer spontaneous abortions during the first trimester of pregnancy, and increasing the number of newborn deaths. And with 4.78 billion people allegedly fully vaccinated throughout the entire world, it looks like we’re much further down the road to mass depopulation than anyone could possibly imagine.

Vaccine Paper On Declining Sperm Counts Is Even Worse Than It Seems At First (Alex Berenson – 06/20/22)
mRNA Covid Vaccination Reduces Sperm Count For Up To Five Months (Alex Berenson – 06/19/22)
Frontline Doctor Says Fetal Deaths Up Nearly 2,000 Percent Since COVID Jab Rollout (GreatGameIndia – 04/06/22)
COVID Vaccines Causing Miscarriages, Cancer And Neurological Disorders Among Military, DOD Data Show (The Defender – 01/26/22)

Attorney Thomas Renz on Monday told a panel of experts that data provided to him by three whistleblowers show COVID-19 vaccines are causing catastrophic harm to members of the U.S. military while not preventing them from getting the virus. The whistleblowers provided the data knowing they would face perjury charges if they submitted false statements to the court in legal cases pending against the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). The data show:

– Miscarriages increased 300% in 2021 over the previous five-year average.

– Cancer increased 300% in 2021 over the previous five-year average.

– Neurological disorders increased 1000% in 2021 over the past five-year average, increasing from 82,000 to 863,000 in one year.

Flawed CDC Study Wrongly Concludes COVID Vaccines Safe In Pregnancy (The Defender – 01/25/22)
Thousands Of Miscarriages Following Covid-19 Injections Reported In VAERS Are Being Censored As An Entire Generation Is Being Sterilized (Health Impact News – 01/12/22)
COVID-19 Vaccines Linked To Change In Menstrual Cycles: Study (The Epoch Times – 01/07/22)
FOIA Docs Reveal Pfizer Shot Caused Avalanche Of Miscarriages, Stillborn Babies (LifeSite – 12/23/21)
Researchers In Peer-Reviewed Study Call For “IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL of mRNA COVID Vaccines For Use In Pregnancy, Those Breastfeeding, Those Of Childbearing Age And Children” (Gateway Pundit – 11/02/21)
Investigation Launched Into Abnormal Spike In Newborn Baby Deaths In Scotland (The Herald – 11/18/21)
‘Lymphocyte Riot’: Pathologists Investigate Deaths After Corona Vaccination (Free West Media – 09/22/21)
Thousands Of Fetal Deaths And Injuries Now Reported Following Covid-19 Injections Of Pregnant Women (Vaccine Impact – 09/21/21)
What? New England Journal Of Medicine Backtracks – Now Admits Covid Vax May Not Be Safe For Pregnant Women (Gateway Pundit – 09/20/21)
Link Between Menstrual Changes And COVID Vaccine Is Plausible, Should Be Investigated (The Defender – 09/20/21)
COVID Vaccines Cause Miscarriages, Menstrual Disorders, Testicular Pain/Swelling, Erectile Dysfunction, Vaginal/Uterine Hemorrhage (TrialSiteNews – 09/16/21)
30,000 Women In Britain Report Irregular Menstrual Cycles Or Period Pain After Getting A Jab (Daily Mail – 09/15/21)
Newborn Suffers ‘Adverse Event’ Via Mother’s Vaccination When Pregnant (Not On The BEEB – 09/13/21)
Do COVID Vaccines Cause Menstrual Changes? NIH Awards $1.67 Million In Grants To Study Possible Link. (The Defender – 09/08/21)
Women Said The Covid Vaccine Affected Their Periods. Now More Than $1.6 Million Will Go Into Researching It. (Washington Post – 09/07/21)
Besides Fetal Deaths, Breastfeeding Babies Are Dying And Becoming Sick Following Mothers’ COVID Shots (Health Impact News – 09/06/21)
​• Did A Baby Die Due To His Mother’s Vaccine-Contaminated Breastmilk? (Not On The BEEB – 08/27/21)
Data Reveals Increased Miscarriages After COVID Vaccination In First Trimester (Circle Of Mamas – 06/25/21)
Thousands Of Reports Of Menstrual Irregularities, Reproductive Dysfunction Following Covid Vaccines (LifeSite – 04/19/21)
Hong Kong: 12 Dead Four Miscarriages In One Week Following Covid-19 Injections (Health Impact News – 06/02/21)

More Information:

COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Transmission (Shedding)


3. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)


Top Cardiologist Warns Covid-Vaxxed Face ‘Sudden Cardiac Death’ (Frank Bergman, Slay, 02/27/25)

One of the world’s leading cardiologists has warned that “healthy” young people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines” are at a severe risk of sudden death caused by an unexpected cardiac arrest. The warning was issued by American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough . . . The peer-reviewed study, titled “Risk stratification for future cardiac arrest after COVID-19 vaccination,” has been published in the World Journal of Cardiology. Alarmingly, the study found that young people who appear to be healthy can suffer a fatal vaccine-induced cardiac arrest several years after they received their last injection…

McCullough and Hulscher warn that the phenomenon has created a silent killer as those at risk may not experience any symptoms until it’s too late. Due to the ticking time bomb nature of the problem, McCullough and Hulscher are calling for widespread testing of people who received the mRNA injections. “We propose a comprehensive strategy for evaluating cardiovascular risk post-vaccination, incorporating detailed patient history, antibody testing, and cardiac diagnostics in the best attempt to detect abnormalities before sudden cardiac death,” they write…

3% Of People Vaccinated Against Covid-19 ‘Died Suddenly’ (09/03/24, World Council for Health)

The study highlights several critical findings:

• Mortality rate: The researchers concluded that the vaccine-related mortality rate is approximately 3%, predominantly affecting individuals under the age of 60 who had not been hospitalized prior to their deaths

• Demographics: A significant portion of the deaths occurred among women under 60, who represented the majority of adverse reactions reported

• Timing of deaths: Most deaths were reported to occur shortly after the first dose of the vaccine, with the authors emphasizing that the first three days post-vaccination are crucial for monitoring the health status of vaccinated individuals.


Cause Unknown: The Epidemic Of Sudden Deaths In 2021 & 2022

Ed Dowd’s Website: They Lied, People Died


Bongino / McCullough: What May Be Causing Sudden Deaths & Heart Attacks Among Young Athletes


Dr. Peter McCullough On Epidemic Sudden Deaths: “The Only Smoking Gun Is The COVID-19 Vaccine!”


Dr. Ryan Cole Is The Only Pathologist In The U.S. Willing To Test For Deaths Caused By COVID Vaccine


Dr. Pierre Kory: Sudden Death (SADS) Is A Real Thing Associated With COVID-19 Vaccines


Dr. Ryan Cole: COVID-19 Vaccines Are Causing The Increase In Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)


Some Sudden Deaths Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines, Autopsies Confirm (Zachary Stieber, Epoch Times, 06/06/23)
Lions And Tigers And Bears (And Many Other Animals) Are “Dying Suddenly” In Zoos Worldwide (Mark Crispin Miller – 04/11/23)
New Autopsy Report Reveals Those Who Died Suddenly Were Likely Killed by the Covid Vaccine (Will Jones / Brownstone – 12/07/22)
The Number Of FIFA Footballers Who ‘Died Suddenly’ In 2021 Was 300% Higher Than The Previous 12-Year Average (The Expose’ – 11/23/22)
Horowitz: 20 Bizarre Causes Of Death That The Media Is Blaming On Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (Daniel Horowitz – 07/12/22)

1. Caffeine
2. Eggs
3. Skipping Breakfast
4. Cold Weather
5. Global Warming
6. Energy Bills
7. Climate Change
8. Solar Storms
9. Increased Physical Activity
10. Weightlifting
11. Watching TV
12. Falling Asleep With TV On
13. Gardening
14. Sex
15. Cold Showers
16. Lack Of Sleep
17. Pandemic
18. Energy Drinks
19. Losing Your Temper
20. Everything But The Magic Juice [Covid Vaccines]

What A Crock! Here’s What The Mainstream Media And So-Called ‘Experts’ Are Trying To Tell Us About HUGE SPIKE In Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (Gateway Pundit – 07/05/22)
Jamie Jenkins, GBNews: Why Are Birth Rates Falling & Excess Deaths Rising?
Caleb Swanigan: How Can A 25-Year-Old Die From Natural Causes? (Steve Kirsch – 06/21/22)
Young People Dying In Their Sleep Is Now Happening On A Regular Basis (Steve Kirsch – 06/21/22)
Did The COVID Vaccine Kill Gwen Casten? (Steve Kirsch – 06/18/22)
Maggie Russo: 20 Tragic Deaths, Mostly Those Who Died In Their Sleep (Maggie Russo – 06/18/22)
Dr. Pierre Kory: Sudden Death (SADS) Is A Real Thing Associated With COVID-19 Vaccines (Dr. Pierre Kory – 06/15/22)
Dr. Ryan Cole: COVID-19 Vaccines Are Causing The Increase In Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
Doctors Baffled By Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) In Healthy Young People (Eruo Weekly News – 06/08/22)
Healthy Young People Are Dying Suddenly And Unexpectedly From A Mysterious Syndrome (Daily Mail – 06/08/22)
“Died Suddenly” Is Trending On Google Trends
• Sudden Deaths In Ontario Should Be Investigated (Ontario Civil Liberties Association – 10/11/21)

More Information:

Ed Dowd’s Website: They Lied, People Died
COVID-19 – Blood Clots In Vaccinated Dead People
COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Transmission (Shedding)
• COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)
• Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s
• COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS)
• COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing


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