“If my journey from the bottom of a river to the heights of heaven revealed anything to me, it is that God is not only real and present in our world, but that He knows each one of us by name, loves each one of us as though we were the only person on Earth, and has a plan for each of us that is more significant and rewarding than anything we can dare to imagine on our own.”

Dr. Mary Neal, 7 Lessons from Heaven




“God exists. God loves everyone unconditionally. God has a delightful sense of humor. So do the angels, guides, and spiritual beings that serve The Light. We should too. We should also lighten up and not take life so seriously. We are immortal, indestructible beings. The pursuit of money, fame, and power do not lead to happiness. Love and serve others: humans, animals, plants, everything. Remember the little things — the kind word, the understanding smile, the compassionate touch — are the big things. Small, heartfelt acts of love change lives and ripple across the universe. While there is evidence everywhere to the contrary, train your mind to look beneath the surface and see the truth: life is good; the world is a beautiful place and you, complete with your human weaknesses and shortcomings, are magnificent. You are known, loved, and cherished. You are unique, essential, and irreplaceable. You have a special role to play in the grand scheme of things. When you find and follow your unique path, which is different from everyone else’s, magic happens. No matter how many times you try and fail; no matter how far you may be from embodying your full Divine Nature, you will eventually succeed. Don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. And always remember you are never alone, even when your earthly senses tell you otherwise.”

Universal Truths by David Sunfellow (based on the core truths championed by near-death experiences from around the world)



Kirsch & Mercola: COVID Shots Are The Deadliest ‘Vaccines’ In Medical History

Kirsch & Mercola: COVID Shots Are The Deadliest ‘Vaccines’ In Medical History

In this exceptionally important interview, Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, reviews some of the COVID jab data he’s presented to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during various meetings.

Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Dr. Jospeh Mercola interviews return-guest Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. They discuss an incredibly serious concern, one shared with at least two other highly credible experts — Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a life science researcher and former vice-president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, and professor Luc Montagnier, a world-renowned virologist who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of HIV. Yeadon, Montagnier and Zelenko all believe the COVID-19 shots could reduce life expectancy by several decades, depending on several factors, including whether you’re required to get booster shots. In fact, there may be reason to suspect that many who get the jabs and subsequent boosters could lose their lives within two to three years, as a result of pathogenic priming.

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income

Most adults without children have no program to help them keep gas in the car and a roof over their head, no matter how poor they are. Most families with kids don’t have one either. In the United States, poverty is used as a cudgel to get people to work. We got rid of welfare for poor families’ and poor individuals’ own good, the argument goes. Give people money, and they stop working. They become dependent on welfare. They never sort out the problems in their life. The best route out of poverty is a hand up, not a handout. Stockton has now proved this false. An exclusive new analysis of data from the demonstration project shows that a lack of resources is its own miserable trap. The best way to get people out of poverty is just to get them out of poverty; the best way to offer families more resources is just to offer them more resources…

COVID Lockdown: Harms Are 10 Times Greater Than Benefits

COVID Lockdown: Harms Are 10 Times Greater Than Benefits

Dr. Ari Joffe is a specialist in pediatric infectious diseases at the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton and a Clinical Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at University of Alberta. He has written a paper titled COVID-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink that finds the harms of lockdowns are 10 times greater than their benefits.

Lucid Dreaming Notes & Quotes

“Healing Dreams” By Marc Ian Barasch

“In our era, the past is vanishing like smoke. The ancestors and gods and spirits who speak through dreams were once welcomed into the circle of community; were among its essential members. But who now will listen to them? The cultures that honored them are dying, their very languages becoming extinct. The thread of received wisdom that has sustained us is stretched thin to breaking. Shorn of memory, we no longer recognize as part of life’s fabric those who have come before us. The voices of the myriad beings, visible and invisible, who surround us grow faint, though they are still talking in our sleep . . . Our dreams are a continuum, revealing, if we care to look, that we do not exist alone, but in a skein of relationship with all that has been, all that is, and all that shall be.”

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